Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Magic Cake

I've been seeing magic cakes everywhere on the internet and the recipe intrigued me that I just had to try it!  It's so quick & simple to make and I adore how the batter magically separates into top sponge cake layer and custard cake layer below.  And best of all it tastes YUMMY!  I've also found that using icing sugar gives me a better rise in the sponge cake and also a firmer custard. :)  And remember to grease your pan with butter! 

The recipe i've used is this:-


Watch her video will give you an idea how to fold in the eggwhites. :)

Her blog is in spanish but there is nothing that Google Translate can't translate right? :D



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I intend to bake this today and was doing research for more info till I stumbled onto your blog.

    May I know whether you replaced icing sugar with castor sugar?

  3. It would be nice if you would give us your translated recipe!
