Monday, February 1, 2010

Individual Pineapple Upside-Down Cakes

Rose's Heavenly Cakes, Page 339: Individual Pineapple Upside-Down Cakes

I didn't have the required pineapple pan or the required sized ramekins, so i baked it in a 8"-pan. However, i think a 6" pan would have been better...cos i realised the batter was too thinned out on an 8" pan.  I wasn't in the best of mood either after a serious family meeting chaired by my sister. So this was more like "i want to get over and done with" cake. I didn't have cherries topping either and added glaced cherries instead to add a bit of color. As you can see the sides are bit burnt..or over caramelized..LOL!  

Can't find turbinado sugar, so i substituted with brown sugar and perhaps i should have added less sugar since the cake batter 100g of cake flour vs 100g of brown sugar turned out quite sweet.  The Caramel topping & the Pineapple Caramel Drizzle made it even sweeter.  I couldn't wait and took a bite when it was still hot and for that moment, i thought i was going to turn diabetic!  Much too sweet for my liking.  Perhaps the fresh pineapple that i used was really sweet to begin with, as sweet as the canned one.   My husband & daughter said the cake was good since they are both able to take sweeter desserts compared to me - but they did mentioned that it is much sweeter than what they would like.  I tried the cake the next day again straight from the fridge,  I think this cake tasted better when it is cold - not that sweet compared to when it is hot.   I'll cut half the sugar in the batter if i do make it again. :)


Mendy on February 1, 2010 at 9:44 AM said...


It still looks great!

I would wager that the turbinado sugar would make a difference for you if you could get it. It is milder tasting than brown sugar.

faithy on February 1, 2010 at 9:50 AM said...

Hi Mendy! I too suspected that turbinado sugar does make a difference. I searched high and low but i just can't find turbinado sugar selling anywhere! Next time for recipes that calls for turbinado sugar, i should cut down the sugar amount by at least 20%. :)

Lisa on February 1, 2010 at 12:14 PM said...

I used "Sugar in the Raw" and it turned out good. It was my first time with it and it is at all our local groceries and wal-mart. I'm not sure if the results would have been better with the more expensive stuff.

Rebecca on February 1, 2010 at 1:29 PM said...

faithy, i can't get turbinado sugar here in australia but demerara is what we call it... apparently it's exactly the same and it is very easy to get... maybe you could try that?!

Vicki said...

Faithy, it's so pretty! And I've been requested to make it as one large cake instead of individual ones. The glaceed cherries give a brighter color than the canned which actually look almost purple.

faithy on February 1, 2010 at 2:44 PM said...

Hi Rebecca! Yes, i see demerara sugar everywhere! I should have used that since i have that in my pantry! I didn't know turbinado sugar = demerara sugar. LOL! pretty confusing...

Thanks Vicki! But the glaced cherries will add to the sweetness if you don't like it too sweet (like me..hahaha..only nice to look at! lol!)

Hi Lisa, good idea, perhaps i should use raw sugar instead! :)

maameemoomoo on February 1, 2010 at 3:06 PM said...

It still looks good to me! :D

Lois B on February 1, 2010 at 8:15 PM said...

Looks great, Faithy. Fortunately, "too sweet" is not a phrase I'm familiar with! :)

Unknown on February 1, 2010 at 11:40 PM said...

Faithy.. I'm like you, love dessert, but when its too sweet it just turns me off. I used Turbinado sugar and I was surprise that they did not come out that sweet, since I used fresh pineapple and that was super sweet.

And if you are ever in need of Turbinado, I can send some your way... :)

Hanaâ on February 2, 2010 at 12:22 AM said...

It looks great. Good to know it works in a big pan too (that's a lot quicker than doing individual ramekins). I might try that next time. I also added orange zest to the batter which added a nice aroma.

Patricia @ ButterYum on February 2, 2010 at 2:53 AM said...

Nice job Faithy. I might have to take your advice and try this cake in a 6" pan.


Jenn on February 2, 2010 at 4:05 AM said...

Faithy, pretty cake! I love how the pineapples look like they overlap. And love your close up shot - it makes the cherries in the middle more visible!

Sarah Trivuncic Maison Cupcake on February 2, 2010 at 7:14 AM said...

I love pineapple upside down cake, I should start making them again as I bet my son would love it.

Marie on February 2, 2010 at 8:11 AM said...

It looks so shiny! Did you do the apricot glaze?
After I read this, I tasted my regular brown sugar and my turbinado sugar--they really do taste different. I think you're supposed to be able to use them interchangeably, but I'm pretty sure that something made with regular brown sugar would taste a lot sweeter.

evil cake lady on February 2, 2010 at 8:33 AM said...

I like the idea of doing one 6 inch cake! If I ever make this again, that's what I will do.

faithy on February 2, 2010 at 9:33 AM said...

@Cherie: Thanks!

@Lois: Thanks! I have a gf who likes all my sweeter! So if i think that cake is too sweet, she will think it is just nice. If i find it just nice, she would think it is too bland. LOL!

@Monica: Thanks Monica! You are so sweet! I won't want to impose on you to send turbinado sugar all the way to me since i think the postage will probably cost more than the sugar. I guess i'll try demerara sugar that Rebecca suggested the next time!

@ Hanaâ: Yes, i read you added zest to the batter and i thought it was such a great idea! I should try it the next time. :)

@ Patricia: Thanks!

@ Jenn: Thanks! That's because i used glaced cherries ..but i do think it added more to the sweetness so i actually didn't eat those..just took photo with them and took them all!

@ Sarah: Thanks! Yes, do try making it someday, i think if i had used the right type of sugar, would have turned out great!

@Marie: Hi! I did drizzle some of the pineapple glaze..on top..maybe i should have done like what you did, just drizzle on the plate instead..maybe that's why it's also added to the sweetness! I too suspected that the turbinado sugar made the difference and was perhaps less sweet than the normal brown sugar i used. Now seems to confirm that it is the brown sugar i used at fault.

@Jennifer: Me too..i did on 8" pan and the cake batter was too thinned out. :)

Kitchen Butterfly on February 3, 2010 at 4:17 AM said...

Aah....well I'm allergic to pineapple so....

Pei-Lin on February 4, 2010 at 1:31 AM said...

Oh, thanks for sharing your thoughts on the cake! Love honest feedback!

Well, I do remember what you shared with us ... Well, whatever that comes along your way, stick to your own principles! =)

ann low on February 4, 2010 at 10:38 AM said...

I never used turbinado sugar before. But I always used brown sugar, is it the same?

Nina on February 4, 2010 at 12:33 PM said...

looks great....wonderful ones:)

faithy on February 4, 2010 at 12:46 PM said...

Thanks PeiLin, Ann & Nina. @Ann: I think turbinado sugar does make a difference. Marie commented above saying that she tasted both the regular brown sugar and turbinado sugar and the regular brown sugar is sweeter.

Edith on February 4, 2010 at 7:18 PM said...

I stumbled onto your blog while surfing. Just to let you know I love it. Keep up the good job.

BTW, which brand of oven you are using? I am looking for a new one and am clueless which brand is good.

pigpigscorner on February 5, 2010 at 10:51 PM said...

Still looks great although it's over caramelised =)


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