Nutella Swiss Roll recipe i got from Happy Homebaker's blog. She's a Singaporean and i happened to stumble upon her blog and i like her blog presentation and her photos! Also, i admire that she has 2 young kids and still finds the time to bake, blog, take such nice photos and writes grammatically correct (quite unlike me...cos i just wanna get over and done with quickly whenever i blog and post photos!) She makes everything sounds so easy! LOL! I'm waiting for my photog to return then take some photos for me.

I find this nutella swiss roll kinna dry. I am not too sure if it is cos my bottle of nutella is dry or what? I think this would taste better with jam or buttercream. But i do like how my swiss-roll skin looks so smooth and nice. Also i didn't use the right knife to cut..hence a lot of crumbs...
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