Today is my off day and i set my mind to do another Cheesecake after not getting the first one (vanilla cheesecake) perfect..hahahaha...as you know, i like to have everything 'perfect'. LOL! :P
I had this recipe with me for a long time but never tried it before, so i can't remember where i got it from, but it was from someone who posted it on her blog or some website. My cheesecake finally turned out well - better than i expected and i want to say post a thank you to that person for her recipe but i can't cos i can't find the link anymore! I printed it out back then and never copied the
link! :( PS: I just googled and found someone's blog with the same recipe but i didn't take it from her site though....here is the link - her photos has the whole toppings and all..which gives you an idea how it will look with the toppings..lol! mine is just plain).
Yup, the cake does look very plain, but you see, i like it plain..and all the icing stuff, i find them too sweet for my liking... What's great is everyone in my family likes it..even the extremely fussy one likes it!! LOL!