NOTE: Rose left a comment on Marie's blog..i cut & pasted it here as a way to remind myself not to worry about the thin batter...otherwise i might forget..Rose Levy Beranbaum said...
fantastic job marie and everyone else who posted their versions. it's so fun to see how different they all look.
two important comments:
if the caramel comes off the slice in one gob it's because it was taken to too high a temperature. At a lower temperature a spoon or fork goes through it with ease. but i see loads of comments about thermometers so i'll say no more!
i appreciate the comment about the fear that the cake wouldn't set because the filling was so thin and i wrote to smooth it with a spatula. that's the danger of copy editing! my copy editor suggested adding this to all cakes and clearly it is not necessary for my cheesecake batters that flow into a smooth surface by themselves (note i never wrote this in the cake bible.) sometimes one's initial instincts best reflect what one actually does so i never should have added that phrase and i'm now taking it out for the next printing. thanks for calling it to my attention. it's great that this bake through will help to continue to perfect the book!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Pure Pumpkin Cheesecake

Saturday, November 28, 2009
[MacTweets/ma2] Macarons (Three Flavors)

Thursday, November 26, 2009
Black Bottom Cupcakes

Monday, November 23, 2009
Catalan Salt Pinch Cake

See the inside of the cake, airy & spongy...
NOTE: Comment by Rose left on Marie's blog. I'm elated that Rose said she loved my baby cakes. :) I'm a huge fan of Rose and totally admire her! Her one comment meant a lot to me, so i have to cut & paste it her autograph, since i can't get an autograph from her..:(Rose Levy Beranbaum said...
p.s. the book will have to include some photos and comments from the other participants. i'm reading through them now ad wow! LOVE the individual ones from 'amateur baker' and seeing them in the oven is stunning. that's as far as i've gotten...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Shoes & Shoe Box Birthday Cake

I made this birthday cake for my friend Emily. Her birthday is only in December and i know it's a bit too early, but i will be away during her birthday and i since i promised her that i'll bake her a birthday cake, i thought it would be better to be early than later. Hope she'll like it. :)
Monday, November 16, 2009
Woody's Lemon Luxury Layer Cake

I'm Back!! (from Bangkok)
Monday, November 9, 2009
Baby Chocolate Oblivions

Saturday, November 7, 2009
Devil's Food Cake w/ Chocolate Mousse Buttercream & Chocolate Fudge Icing

Monday, November 2, 2009
Pumpkin Cake w/ Burnt Orange Silk Meringue Buttercream (also My 20th Wedding Anniversary Cake)

Halloween is not a major event for us here in Singapore. So instead of baking this cake in pumpkin mold and decorate it as a pumpkin, i decided to decorate it as my 20th wedding anniversary cake since i'm celebrating my anniversary this month. Hence no pumpkin-shaped cake but fondant covered cake. :) I made the wedding couple topper on my own too. It's my first time doing it and i'm quite happy with the results. I did an earlier bride topper when i was having a terrible backache and the bride turned out hunchback too!! I decided to re-do and used Lorraine McKay's (aka Aine2) tutorial - Extra Icing on the Cake and i'm quite happy with the results even though they are not perfect, i think they are passable! :D I'm a huge fan of Lorraine's works and i think she's one of the best in figures modeling. Yup, i "follow" Lorraine everywhere, on blogger, youtube, twitter, facebook, flickr & her membership club..i sound like a stalker..LOL!I think i better explain why i placed the groom topper on the side of the cake..... it's all because i expected the cake to be bigger! I thought 10 cups would yield a lot when in fact it didn't! LOL! So last min, i had to change baking pan into a smaller one & also my design as well. No choice but to put the groom topper on the side otherwise i think the cake would look too crowded. I was suppose to make the groom kneel down holding a gift/flower. But in the end the black sugarpaste was too soft (maybe i put too much black food gel to get the dark black color) and it kept breaking at the knee & elbow...thus the groom with stiff arms on the side and just standing. LOL!