I really really really like this Chef Don Yong's recipe. I used his dough recipe again and it works beautifully and my buns proved up beautifully too. The recipe is here for those of you who are keen in the recipe. I've also taken pictures of my proved buns before baking and glazing...here it is..
My buns above before glazing and already proved and ready to be baked.
Below my buns with egg glaze & chedder cheese toppings:-
Buns ready to go in the oven.......
and the BAKED buns...here..after 12mins...
12 mins only and my buns look so 'dark'. The top looks dark but only a very very thin crust layer which is what is suppose to be. :)
Here is the inside of the bun..actually..i ate it all up and remembered i should take a photo of the inside of the bun..so that's what's left over of what i have eaten..LOL!...here it is..
Opps! Sorry not focus..but cos i was holding the bread one hand and taking photo the other hand. These days, my photog has 'resigned' from her post and now i have to take the photos on my own?! Anyway, see how 'soft' it looks? ..the texture looks fluffy as well? (well, it is soft and fluffy also when you eat it..lol!)
The other half of the dough - which is piped out with coffee cream on top (with cream cheese filling too)...
See how the buns piped with the coffee cream rises up much higher than the egg glazed buns? I think maybe the coffee cream conducts the heat slower (cos coffee cream gotta cook first?!) and causes the buns to prove very higher? Don't quote me ok, just my own theory/logic..LOL!
This is my 2nd time successful with bread buns. So i believe that the dough recipe is the one that gives the good results! :)
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